Monday, 31 March 2014

Risk Factors and Prevention for prostate cancer - Low Cost Prostate Cancer Surgery in India

A risk factor is anything that increases a person’s chance of developing a disease, including cancer. There are risk factors that can be controlled, such as smoking, and risk factors that cannot be controlled, such as age and family history. Although risk factors can influence disease, for many risk factors it is not known whether they actually cause the disease directly. Some people with several risk factors never develop the disease, while others with no known risk factors do. However, knowing your risk factors and communicating them to your doctor may help you make more informed lifestyle and health-care choices.
Since the exact cause of prostatecancer is still unknown, it is also unknown how to prevent prostate cancer. The following factors can raise a person’s risk of developing prostate cancer:

Age. The risk of prostate cancer increases with age, rising rapidly after age 50. More than 80% of prostate cancers are diagnosed in men who are 65 years old or older.

Race/ethnicity. Black men are at higher risk for prostate cancer than white men. They are more likely to develop prostate cancer at an earlier age and to have aggressive, fast-growing tumors. Prostate cancer occurs most often in North America and northern Europe and is less common in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Of importance, it appears that its frequency is increasing in Asian populations living in urbanized environments, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and North American/European cities.

Family history. A man who has a father or brother with prostate cancer has a higher risk of developing the disease than a man who does not. Researchers have discovered specific genes that may possibly be associated with prostate cancer, although these have not yet been shown to cause prostate cancer or to be specific to this disease.

Diet. No study has shown conclusively that diet can directly influence the development of prostate cancer, but many studies have indicated there may be a link. There is not enough information yet to make clear recommendations about the role diet plays in prostate cancer, but the following may be helpful:
  • A diet high in fat, especially animal fat, may increase prostate cancer risk. In fact, many doctors believe that a low-fat diet may help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
  • A diet high in vegetables, fruits, and legumes (beans and peas) may decrease risk of prostate cancer. It is unclear which nutrients are directly responsible, but lycopene, found in tomatoes and other vegetables, may slow or prevent cancer growth. A low-fat diet that is high in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, with no evidence that such a diet causes harm.
  • Selenium, an element humans get in trace amounts from food and water, may play a role in lowering the risk of prostate and other cancers. Selenium is currently being tested in clinical trials and has not yet been proven to alter risk.
  • It has been suggested that vitamin E may help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer; this is currently being tested in clinical trials and has not yet been proven to alter risk. In some studies of vitamin E in other settings, it has been suggested that there may be inherent cardiovascular risks (for example, an increased chance of having cardiac or blood vessel problems) with the use of high doses of vitamin E, and final judgment on the use of this supplement will require the completion of ongoing clinical trials.
Hormones. High levels of testosterone (a male sex hormone) may speed up or cause the development of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer does not develop in men who, for other reasons, were castrated (the removal of the testes) before puberty and whose bodies no longer make testosterone. Stopping the body’s production of testosterone, called androgen deprivation therapy, or castration, often treats advanced prostate cancer.

Often, prostate cancer is discovered through a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test or digital rectal examination (DRE) in otherwise healthy men who have not had any symptoms. (Both tests are described in Diagnosis.) When prostate cancer does cause symptoms, the following symptoms may occur. Sometimes, people with prostate cancer do not show any of these symptoms. Or, these symptoms may be caused a medical condition that is not cancer. If you are concerned about a symptom on this list, please talk with your doctor.
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Weak or interrupted urine flow
  • Blood in the urine
  • The urge to urinate frequently at night
None of these symptoms is specific to prostate cancer. The same symptoms occur in men who have a noncancerous condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or enlarged prostate. Urinary symptoms also can indicate an infection or other conditions.

If cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland, a man may experience:
  • Pain in the back, hips, thighs, shoulders, or other bones
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Other symptoms that arise at the site of cancer growth
  • Age and medical condition
  • The type of cancer
  • Severity of symptoms
  • Previous test results

Medworld India offers comprehensive care for patients with Prostate Cancer, including advanced diagnosis, best treatment options . A team of Surgical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists, Urologists, Rehabilitation team and other medical specialties work together to treat each Prostate Cancer patient We consider each patient's type and extent of Prostate Cancer to recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. They also carefully consider and select the treatment option that will allow the patient to maintain quality of life with good survival rate.

Why should you choose to get Indian hospitals offer the Best Cancer Treatment in India at affordable prices. MedWorld india associated Best Cancer Treatment Hospitals in India have the latest technology and infrastructure to offer the Most Advanced Cancer Treatment at low cost.

At MedWorld India Affiliated Best Cancer Hospitals are to deliver highest quality and advanced oncology care in a supportive and compassionate environment to all our patients, and to advance the treatment and prevention of cancers through innovative research. 

Cost Estimate for Prostate Cancer Surgery at World Best Hospital in India

Cost Estimate for Robotic Prostate Cancer Surgery at World Class Hospital in India is $ 9000 US Dollars
Cost Estimate for Laproscopic Radical Prostatectomy Surgery at World Class Hospital in India is $ 7000 US Dollars

Note: Cost Estimate for above include stay in a Private Room where a Companion can stay with the patient surgeon fee, medicines and consumables, nursing care, food and Airport Pick & Drop. More accurate treatment cost estimates can be provided if medical reports are emailed to us or after the patient is examined by doctors after arrival at hospital in India and medical tests are done after admission.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Cancer Treatment in India, Best Cancer Hospitals , Radiation Therapy in India , Medical Oncology, Surgical Oncology in India

Cancer Treatment India has really set new benchmarks as far as treatment of this disease is concerned. If one is on the lookout for quality health care at cost effective solutions then no doubts to the fact that India has to top the list for sure. The country tops the world in terms of medical patients coming for treatment as they are quiet crazy for getting treatment in the country. In this regard associating with oncologyandcancer hospital would be the way forward as the worries seem to be a think of the past.

Medical Tourism India is gaining momentum day by day in the country. It has evolved from such a stage when one was hardly aware of the precise definition of the term as now it is the toast of the nation. It implicates a procedure where the patients leave their domestic frontiers in order to seek medical treatment on the international shores. It is in fact one of the fastest growing sectors in the country and is responsible for a massive contribution to the economy. The government along with the private sector has realized the importance of this sector and have given all out support to the sector. A testimony to this fact is that even one shows a letter from the medical centre; they can get an extension of visa to the tune of 6 months.

Medworld India  deals with the subject related to the various diseases of cancer. The doctor who deals with the professional treatment of this disease is known as oncologist. The diagnosis of cancer along with the various surgeries as well as therapies fall under the scope of this disease. Not only the treatment of this disease is important but the screening efforts are all the more important as sometimes the patients may develop terminal tangencies. It is observed that in certain cases the relatives of the patients need to be screened also as it is a form of hereditary disease.

India as a country has a huge amount of natural as well as historical resources at their disposal. When one compares it to the developed countries of the world, the treatment in the country tends to be cheaper by at least ¼. If one talks about any sort of medical treatment at cost effective solutions without comprising on the quality aspect a wee bit the obvious answer has to be India for sure.

After having chosen the desired destination as India, some amount of homework has to be done by the patients. Sometimes it is observed that surgery might not only be the desired option, as certain non surgical methods can do the trick. In this regard it is advised to avail the services of a medical tourism company as they have renowned panellists who can guide you on what could be the best course of action. The choice of it is a critical aspect as one has to choose the one which has testimonies of the patients from all over the world.


Affordable Best Cancer Treatment in India

Cancer is a word used to describe many different diseases, so there is no single treatment that is used universally.

We know Cancer challenges patients and their families in many ways. We strive to help ease the burden of this difficult experience. We believe that there is hope for every life to fight this dreadful disease if we offer best-in-class infrastructure and services, and support every patient on his or her journey.

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Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

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Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Brain Cancer Surgery in India with most advance and best surgeons in the country

Brain Tumour had always been a dreaded disease because the chances of recovery and patient living a healthy life after the treatment were low. But with the advancement in technology, brain tumour surgery is no more a dreaded disease. Not only the patient is fully treated, but can lead a healthy life after the brain tumour surgery.

Medical technology in India has advanced over the last few years and the best of technology is now available in India for removal of brain tumours and rehabilitation of the patient after brain tumour surgery in India. Not only the cost is very low, the surgeons are among the best neurosurgeons in the world for brain tumour, the hospitals among the best hospitals for brain tumour surgery in India.

Indian corporate hospitals offer Brain Cancer Surgery in India with most advance and best surgeons in the country. Indian hospitals are comparable to hospitals anywhere in the world. In fact, India offers world-class medical facilities that are comparable with the US or UK. There is already a high concentration of expatriate Indian medical staff working in the US and UK, as well as many other countries. This gives patients confidence in the healthcare offered by India generally as they are already used to the expertise and professionalism of Indian medical staff. This is a major, but often overlooked factor in the growth of medical tourism and Brain Cancer Surgery in India.

If you are a brain cancer patient, you may be informed by your doctor that brain surgery is a necessity. 

Brain tumors have the capability of producing several different uncomfortable symptoms in the individual that has them. In today's medical field, technology is consistently improving and there is a heightened sense of awareness and knowledge when it comes to the biology of the tumors that affect the brain and surrounding regions. If you have brain cancer, or a tumor that has developed and is causing you health complications, you may comfortably look forward to a future filled with hope thanks to the many variations in brain cancer surgery procedures today. It is important to know and understand what happens in Brain Cancer Surgery. They are as follows:

If Surgery helps confirm the abnormality seen in the brain scans. Nature of the tumor and method of removal are also determined at the time of surgery. Surgeons will most probably take a sample of the tumor that needs to be removed.

If A modern method for removal of tumors can be performed without a knife and is called stereotactic surgery. The tumor is removed without opening the skull. MRI and CT scans are used to determine the exact location of the tumor within the brain. Radiation beams are focused on the tumor from different directions. Radiation helps destroy the tumor. This method is also known as 'gamma knife'.
If  Knifeless surgeries have fewer complications. The recovery time, too, is much shorter.

Latest and Advanced Treatment options for Brain Tumor in India

Brain Tumor is no more a scary health condition as modern technology and advanced surgical modalities now offer near perfect clinical outcomes and the patients can soon return to normal life after surgery. 
  • Brain Suite - Intra-operative MR Navigation Microsurgery
  • Trans-Nasal Endoscopic Removal of brain Tumor through the nose
  • Stereotactic Radiosurgery - Gamma Knife & Novalis TX
  • Tumor Embolization using Neuro Interventional Radiology
  • CyberKnife Radiosurgery

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Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

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Saturday, 15 March 2014

What are the Risk factors of Small Intestine Cancer?

Small intestinal cancer also known as Small Bowel Cancer refers to the formation of cancerous tumors in parts of the small intestine. Cancer of the Small Intestine is rare as compared to other malignant tumor formations of the gastrointestinal system such as Stomach Cancer and Colorectal Cancer. If left undetected, these tumors have the potential to metastasize and invade other neighboring structures.

The cancer of the small intestine can be divided into three categories based on the location: Duodenal cancer, Cancer of the jejunum and Cancer of the ileum

Apart from these three main categories of small intestine cancer, there exist several subtypes namely: 

Adenocarcinoma, Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Lymphoma and Ileal carcinoid tumor. Often, non-cancerous tumors and health conditions like the hamartoma and tuberculosis tend to be mistaken for small intestinal cancer.

What are the Risk factors of Small Intestine Cancer?

Several factors may increase the risk of small intestine cancer. In general, it is noticed that the incidence is higher among male than women. Exposure to certain radiations, carcinogenic agents and environmental pollutants may also raise the risk of an individual getting affected by cancer of the small intestine. Also, individuals suffering from 
Celiac Disease, Crohn’s disease and familial adenomatous polyposis are at a much greater risk. Adenocarcinoma, one of the most deadly malignant cancers, occurs more often in industrialized countries as opposed to the developing countries.

Whereas, the occurrence of lymphomas are more common in developing countries. Also, exposure over a prolonged duration of time to some substances such as Alcohol, sugar, salted or smoked meats and fishes can significantly increase the risk of different types of small intestinal cancers.
How can we Diagnose Small Intestine Cancer? 

An endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract can help detect cancerous formations in the region. A barium contrast study of the small intestine, also known as the small bowel series, may also help in the diagnosis. Other diagnostic tools include an abdominal ultrasound, a CT scan of the abdomen and a 

How can Small Intestine Cancer be Treated? 

Surgical removal of the tumor is the primary treatment. In case the tumor has metastasized and is not localized to one area then 
Chemotherapy may be helpful. On the other hand, radiation therapy may help destroy cancerous tumors localized to a particular area.

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Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

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Thursday, 13 March 2014

Bladder Cancer Symptoms and Treatment - Advanced Treatment for Bladder Cancer in India

Approximately 70 to 80 percent of patients newly diagnosed with bladder cancer have superficial, noninvasive bladder cancer. If the cancer spreads further into the muscle wall of the bladder or to nearby lymph nodes and organs, it is called invasive bladder cancer. Bladder cancer occurs more frequently among older men, with the median age of diagnosis being 58 and the media age of death being 65, based on data collected from 2010 to 214.

Smoking is the greatest risk factor for bladder cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, causing approximately 20 to 30 percent of bladder cancers among women and 50 to 65 percent of bladder cancer among men.
It is characterized by urine that may appear dark yellow, bright red or cola colored, However hematouria can be intermittent, even when caused by serious disease, and its severity is not correlated to the severity of the underlying cancer. Other symptoms of bladder cancer may also include frequent urination, painful urination, urinary tract infection and lower back pain, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Diagnosis & Tests

Initial physically examination usually involves the doctor inserting gloved fingers into the vagina and/or rectum to feel for lumps and abnormal growth, according to the National Cancer Institute. This is usually followed with blood tests, urine tests and cystoscopy. Flexible cystoscopy uses a thin tube with a light at the end (called a cystoscope) to look inside the bladder. It is a low-risk procedure that is generally conducted in the physician's office under local anesthesia, However inflammations and bleeding can result in poor visualization and reduced accuracy. Hence additional tests are usually needed.
If invasive bladder cancer is suspected, the doctor may also order MRIs, CT scans and X-rays in order to determine if the cancer has spread to the kidneys, ureters and other internal organs.

Treatment of Bladder Cancer in India

Bladder Sparing Surgery

This involves using a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to destroy the cancer cells locally and also if they have spread to other parts of the body. Transurethral resection of bladder tumour and partial removal of bladder are also types of bladder sparing surgeries which are used when the tumor is superficial or minimally invasive. These treatment techniques can be used in combination with each other.

Neobladder or Urine diversion techniques

Neobladder or Urine diversion techniques : This is required after radical cystectomy or complete removal of bladder in cases where the tumor has penetrated the bladder wall and spread beyond it

Radical Cystectomy :

If the cancer is larger or is in more than one part of the bladder, a radical cystectomy or complete removal of the bladder is needed. This operation removes the entire bladder and nearby lymph nodes. In men, the prostate is also removed. In women, the ovaries, fallopian tubes (tubes that connect the ovaries and uterus), the uterus (womb) and a small portion of the vagina are often removed along with the bladder. These surgeries are typically done through a cut (incision) into the abdomen while the patient is placed under general anesthesia. The patient needs to stay in the hospital for about a week after the surgery. The patient can usually go back to his normal activities in 4 to 6 weeks.

Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy :

In some cases, the surgeon may operate through several smaller incisions using special long, thin instruments, one of which has a tiny video camera on the end to see inside the pelvis. This is known as laparoscopic, or “keyhole” surgery. The surgeon may either hold the instruments directly or may sit at a control panel in the operating room and maneuver robotic arms to do the surgery. If it can be done, laparoscopic surgery may result in less pain and quicker recovery after the operation (due to the smaller incisions). But it has not been around as long as the standard type of surgery and it’s not yet clear if it is equally as effective. This technique is still in its infancy and is not practiced very commonly.

Medworld India offers comprehensive care for patients with Bladder Cancer  including advanced diagnosis, best treatment options . A team of Surgical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists, Urologists, Rehabilitation team and other medical specialties work together to treat each Bladder Cancer patient We consider each patient's type and extent of Bladder Cancer to recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. They also carefully consider and select the treatment option that will allow the patient to maintain quality of life with good survival rate.

Why should you choose to get Indian hospitals offer the Best Cancer Treatment in India at affordable prices. MedWorld india associated Best Cancer Treatment Hospitals in India have the latest technology and infrastructure to offer the Most Advanced Cancer Treatment at low cost.

At MedWorld India Affiliated Best Cancer Hospitals are to deliver highest quality and advanced oncology care in a supportive and compassionate environment to all our patients, and to advance the treatment and prevention of cancers through innovative research.

MedWorld India Affiliated Best Cancer Hospitals in India offer:

  • World class results for Cancer Treatment
  • World Class equipment for investigations, radiotherapy and surgery
  • Cancer specialists with great qualifications and experience
  • India has many super specialists ( specialization in one particular area: Breast Cancers, Stomach Cancers, Prostate Cancers, etc)
  • Low cost of cancer treatment
  • India offers the perfect combination of expertise and economical costs

For more information visit:        

Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

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Tuesday, 11 March 2014

What You Should Know About Treating Prostate Cancer-Treating Prostate Cancer in India

Knowing the various treatments for prostate cancer available and what the risks associated with each are is the first step in being informed about what will be one of the most important decisions of your life. The potential side effects of some of the treatments are too life altering to leave this decision to chance.

Have a discussion with your doctor. Ask questions about any side effects you need to be aware of. While your treatment options become less viable if your cancer has progressed beyond your prostate gland, it is important to be aware of what to expect after the treatment has been completed.

Here are some of the options open to you.


Surgical options available are as follows.
A complete prostatectomy where your entire prostate gland is removed     A lymph node dissection where only the nodes surrounding the urethra are removed     A transurethral resection is done in which small pieces of your prostate are removed

Each of the above procedures requires a hospital stay and you would be anesthetized and put under. They are effective in most cases although cancers have been known to return weeks or months afterward. As well, side effects can include urinary incontinence, impotence and infertility.


There are 2 common approaches to radiation therapy in treating prostate cancer, external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy.

External beam radiotherapy is a procedure where a high energy radioactive source is used to project a beam at your prostate from a short distance outside your pelvic area. There is no anesthesia required and it is done on an out-patient basis. It is typically done on 5 consecutive days over a period of about 5 to 7 weeks.

Brachytherapy is the usage of about 100 to 150 small radioactive pellets or seeds. They are placed directly into your prostate with a syringe a few at a time; it usually takes up to 40 injections to implant them all. This procedure is painful and requires a general anesthetic.

These two procedures use radioactivity to burn away cancerous cells. Side effects include impotence, inflammation of the bladder and rectum and cancers have been known to return.


Drugs known to be toxic to cancerous cells are introduced to your body. It is used to slow cancerous growths and relieve pain. It is not a cure but it can be used to help patients where cures through other means are not possible.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

HIFU is a procedure that uses sound waves to destroy cancerous cells. A focused ultrasound beam is aimed only at the regions of the prostate that are diseased with cancer. The cells targeted are destroyed using heat. Surrounding tissue is not affected by the beam and remains undamaged.
The entire prostate can be exposed to the ultrasound beam in about three hours. The procedure is done quickly and is effective in eradicating prostate cancer in over 90% of patients treated. Side effects are minimal resulting in urinary incontinence in only 5% of patients. Only 8% suffered urethral blockage and about 40% suffered sexual impotence. Impotence drops to 20% in patients whose cancer does not affect the prostate nerve.

These reasons alone make HIFU the choice you should make when thinking about prostate cancer treatment options.

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